20 JUNE Meeting
20 June 2013 Meeting - Scratchbuilding
Sorry I haven't been able to post anything new in a while. Work has kept me busy and away from my important duties of keeping the website up to date!
Heads up if you weren't here. We did the schedule for the next quarter. You are likely a presenter!
Good attendance on Thursday, 20 June. Paul had just returned from a nice cruise in the Inside Passage with his wife, celebrating their anniversary. Well done Paul!
Ed was able to join us after a long absence and it was good to see him!
Keep your thoughts and prayers going out to Chuck awaiting for the kidney transfer. The sooner the better.
Dave brought in a nice yellow Dodge car and was working on the tailhook of his Sandy here.
Dave's Charger up close!
Gevan shows of his efforts at scratch building a jungle diorama scene. Very creative effort, using brown pipe cleaner for small scale palm tree trunks! Note also the nice 1/72 MIG-27 he finished in a matter of a few weeks.
Greg has been very impressed with his Tamiya 1/48 Sturmovik. He claims it has been the easiest model to put together in his experience. Truly, the classic Tamiya
"Shake and Bake " model construction.
Ed was able to join us after a long absence. Due to a nasty situation between his Harley, some gravel, and the asphalt on Huffmann Boulevard, he's been on crutches for a few weeks.
The usual peanut gallery. Mark brought in some nicely scratchbuilt kits from the Don Lindberg estate. The other Mark brought in a $2 garage find of 1932 Ford. Scott was just Scott! It's all about the Ferrari's....
Remember, no meeting on 4 July. Go be Patriotic.