Upcoming Meeting Dates and Themes
Typical meeting schedule:
7:00 - 7:30 PM
Doors open, social time as people arrive.
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Meeting starts 7:30ish. Go around the table, share current projects you are working on or other model based topical news/updates
8:30 - 8:45 PM
Quick break. Smoke 'em if you go them. Buy/sell any models anyone brought.
8:45 - 9:30 PM
Nightly presentation. Sometimes presented by one person, then other attendees chime in on the specific topic for the night. Other nights, we all just chime in on the specific topic for the evening.
5th: Build Night!
12th: Figure Painting – Kris Nash will give a presentation/demonstration on painting figures.
19th: Hints and Tips! Bring in a few of your hints and tips that you do that might be helpful to the membership. Be prepared to demonstrate those hints or tips.
26th Rusting! – Rick Hudson will give a presentation/demonstration on how to represent rusting paint on models.
3rd: Build Night!
10th: Oil Wash Clinic (Scott Bruno)
17th: Build the Same Kit – M113 Personnel Carrier
24th: 3D Printing (Kris Nash)
31st: Halloween – NO MEETING
(You can also download the entire schedule below in PDF format.)